By Ken Nopar, VP-Senior Philanthropic Advisor
Over the years, many financial, legal, and tax advisors who have worked with American Endowment Foundation (AEF) have requested information & guidance to help their clients become more effective donors. This is true both for clients who are new to philanthropy as well as those who have been active for some time.
In addition to our own efforts to educate our donors, AEF has asked some of the country’s leading philanthropic advisory firms to write helpful columns for our donors as well. We share these on our Library for Donors as well as in our bi-weekly Guidance for Good blog for our donors. The Library also contains wisdom from leading organizations including 21/64, Exponent Philanthropy, and National Center for Family Philanthropy.
Some of these columns include:
Focused Mission Statements Help Donors Direct Their Money
Selecting Best Charities Starts with You
Engaging the Next Generation in Building your Family Legacy
8 Tools Grantmakers Frequently Forget to Use
Smart Giving in Response to Disasters
How Donors Can Mitigate The Impact of COVID-19
The authors of these articles represent some of the philanthropic advisory firms that are part of the AEF Philanthropic Advisory Firm Referral Program. These firms do not provide any financial, legal, or tax advice; instead, they complement the work of our donors’ other professional advisors and help donors achieve their charitable goals.
AEF always strives to help our donors and work closely with their advisors. Should you have any topics we should write about, please let us know. By providing content for both donors and advisors, we hope that we are achieving our vision of helping “donors enjoy their philanthropic experience, inspire others and improve the world.”
At American Endowment Foundation, we look forward to discussing you and your clients’ needs and determine how an AEF donor advised fund can serve their charitable wishes. Contact us or call 1-888-660-4508.